Specialist tungsten and tungsten carbide manufacturer and supplier in the Chinese Mainland.
Properties of the element, including its history, applications, and characteristics.
Manufacturer of pure tungsten powder and tungsten carbide powder.
Statistics and information on the worldwide supply, demand, and flow of the element (PDF format).
Extensive information on history, uses, occurrence, compounds, and properties.
Supplier and fabricator of tungsten, molybdenum and tantalum. Manufacturer of a complete line of evaporation sources and materials for vacuum deposition of thin films.
Supplier of tungsten carbide wedding bands for men. Styles include items that are textured, round, flat or grooved.
Basic physical and historical information.
Basic information, atomic structure, and isotopes.
Atomic structure, chemical and physical properties, and table of nuclides.
Full text of the monograph by G. W. Leddicotte (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee).
John A. Gowan presents and discusses a table of elementary particles, including the weak force Intermediate Vector Bosons and Higgs particles.
MC particle numbering convention, endorsed by the Particle Data Group.
Purchases tungsten scrap and uses powder metallurgy to recycle it into a spheroidal-grain high-density heavy tungsten powder, formerly known as Technon. Specifications, applications, and contacts.
Division of Particles and Fields.
Particle physics, high energy physics, news and resources.
Magazine for particle physicists.
Mathematical analysis of Particle Swarm Optimization. Discrete, fuzzy PSO.
A website about particle swarm optimization and swarm intelligence, including introduction, bibliography, tutorials, links to online papers