Product List

Pure Molybdenum Sheet

Pure Molybdenum Sheet

  • Supply titanium powder, sponge, Molybdenum powder, wire, rod and sheet, Nickel powder, cobalt oxide, indium ingot, metal scrap, rock drills, and paving breakers.
  • Properties of the element, including its history, applications, and characteristics.
  • Research, development and production of tungsten metal, molybdenum metal, titanium metal such as carbide tools, wire, rod, alloy, sheet, and plate. ISO 9001:2000 certified.
  • Statistics and information on the worldwide supply, demand, and flow of the element (PDF format).
  • Extensive information on history, uses, occurrence, compounds, and properties.
  • Producer of tungsten and molybdenum compounds in China. Products include tungstates and molybdates, molybdenum trioxide, and ferro-molybdenum.
  • Basic information, atomic structure, and table of isotopes.
  • Basic physical and historical information.
  • Atomic structure, chemical and physical properties, and table of nuclides.
  • Physical data, chemical properties, health and environmental effects.
  • Produce rare metal foil flat belt such as electrolytic molybdenum , tantalum foil and molybdenum .
  • Rhenium and molybdenum chemicals for industry, with online sales from Broomfield, Colorado.
  • A company in copper and molybdenum mining and processing.
  • Molybdenum and by-products miner. Includes a descriptive and informative section on molybdenum.
  • Full text of the monograph by E. M. Scadden (U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco, California).
  • Manufacturer of specialized industrial lubricants featuring molybdenum disulfide.
  • Specializes in molybdenum disulfide and graphite dry lubricants and their applications. Offers lubricants, greases, and gearbox additives, as well as marine engine and automotive maintenance products.
  • Produces and recycles tungsten and molybdenum metals and compounds. Located in China.
  • Manufacturer of aluminium trihydrate, molybdenum trioxide and flame retardants/smoke suppressant products.
  • Handles the processing of spent catalyst and residues containing nickel, cobalt, copper, vanadium, molybdenum and zinc.
  • Molybdenum Sheet for Heat Shield

    Molybdenum Rods

    Molybdenum Sheet

    Used for making lighting sources parts, high temperature shields, boats high temperature container etc.

    Pure Molybdenum Sheet